
Recovery After Bariatric Surgery

Recovery After Bariatric Surgery

Recovery After Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery has helped thousands of people get rid of their excess pounds and it´s offered them the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling life once again. Weight loss surgery has also been a life-saver for many individuals, the loss of fat caused after surgery forestalls the effects of numerous threatening diseases that are caused by severe obesity.

Recovery after bariatric surgery differs from person to person depending on the type of surgery they have undergone and their physical and mental condition. Your physical and psychological condition needs to be strong to qualify as a candidate for bariatric surgery, and this will have a profound effect on your recovery period afterwards.

After weight loss surgery, it is critical to follow Dr Castaneda´s advice thoroughly to have a risk-free recovery period. You should have nutritious diet, get plenty of rest and take prescribed medicines on time to bring your body back to its highest health level.

Below are some guidelines regarding diet, exercise and physical activity during your bariatric surgery recovery period.

Best Diet During Recovery

After surgery, you have to face a huge modification in your diet. Immediately, post-operation you are put on a liquid diet, slowly progressing to solids. If you were previously in the habit of overeating and eating junk or processed foods, then this may be the most challenging part for you. You have to refrain yourself from emotional eating. Instead, you have to start eating small meals several times a day to keep your nutritional demands fulfilled. This is mainly because after bariatric surgery your stomach is reduced to a mere tiny pouch and will not be able to accommodate large portions of food at once. In case you try to eat more than your capacity, you will feel discomfort and may vomit.

For the first week, you will not be permitted to have solid food to allow the healing of your stomach. You will be kept on liquid diet which mainly includes low-calorie fluids. It is important to stay hydrated during your recovery period. However, intake of only water may lead to severe consequences and it may cause imbalance of electrolytes.

You will be started on low-calorie juices along with water. Ask Dr Castaneda for advise on the quantity and type of fluids that would best suit you after surgery. Strictly avoid carbonated beverages, high-calories drinks and alcohol.

You will be able to eat soft foods about 2 -3 weeks after surgery. If you feel still unwell after starting soft foods, revert to your former liquid diet and wait for some more time to pass. If the nausea gets worse or you have gastrointestinal pain that lasts for more than 2 hours, then consult your surgeon immediately.

Your regular meal should contain foods that are rich in proteins since proteins play an important role in repair and regeneration of the body. You should include foods like eggs, dairy products, meat, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Avoid eating vegetables that are raw and hard, fruits with skin, hard bread, pretzels and tough meat as they would be tough on your digestive system. Foods rich in sugar, fats and calories can cause dumping syndrome in which you feel heavy, nauseous, experience stomach discomforts, diarrhea and queasiness.

Physical Activity During Recovery

You may not be able to perform any vigorous exercise after surgery since this may injure your incisions and extend your recovery period. However, you do need to be physically active to keep your body moving and make you feel healthy during your recovery. You may start walking short distances as soon as possible to avoid the incidence of blood clots and pneumonia.

After first two weeks of surgery, simple aerobic exercises like jogging are advised to increase your energy levels, burn fat and enhance flexibility. Most strenuous exercises like lifting weights, cycling, swimming should only be done when you are mentally and physically well.

Your body recovers and heals best while you sleep, so make sure that you are getting enough rest during the day and sound sleep throughout the night. A well-balanced diet gives your body the required nutrients to restore itself. You must strictly follow all directions of your surgeon to make your recovery period smooth and comfortable.

Weight loss surgery in Mexico with Dr Castaneda can completely change your life, if you are ready to change your eating habits and lifestyle!

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